Friday, September 24, 2010

Enemy of the People

Studying and rehearsing for UA's upcoming Enemy of the People has made me think about what Doctor Stockman and his family go through. He believes something so strongly and out of his desire to save those around him and to put things right he stands behind his opinions and beliefs no matter what. All those around him, led by his sister (the mayor) and the local paper he is disgraced and almost chased out of town. It shows the faceless crowd (ourselves, the masses) as a force that can be used for or against any cause.

This got me thinking to what we have been talking about in class about the early protestant churches being made up of women and blacks, whereas were led by white males. It is as if it doesnt matter what is right and true and best for the majority but what the leaders want and that they do not want to seem weak or embarrassed.

Its not a direct metaphor and comparison to class, but is still an interesting look at society and people and their individual motives.

October 4-11th. Gallaway Theatre. For tickets visit

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