Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So I am currently struggling on what I would like to focus on for my paper in this class. On the first day and days since I have jotted down little ideas on paper of what interests me or little things that come into my head and I think it would be good to put them here to share, that way if anyone else has imput or help they can express it here.

Ok, here goes.

-Evangelists (Brother Micah) vs. "Mainstream" Bible Belt
---(This could also include TV Evangelists and why they are pushed to a side almost near those of cults and sects and looked down upon, but what are the real differences between that and other protestant denominations in the South?)

-Social aspect of church in South
---(Includes movies, TV, Stereotypes, Personal experience, Media)

-Food and Religion in the South
---(comfort vs. discomfort; look at other religions around the world and see what foods are focused on either negatively or positively and the role of food in those religions)

-Home Sweet Home, Yet so out of place
---(Wizard of Oz and Dorothy's extreme need to get away from her home, and yet when she does all she wants is to be back home; the feeling of not belonging in something where "everyone is accepted"; south as a place that keeps you here (kudzu) and overtakes without letting you get out and flourish)

-Good Bad Ugly History
---(contradictions of christians (ex. Love thy neighbor vs. homosexual phobia and discrimination); religious defense mechanisms (ex. god told us to do it, we did it for christ, etc.); Religion turning to hate (ex. KKK); differences between denominations)

So I feel as if all of these could be used as a topic idea, I am just unsure on where to go. Maybe I have too many ideas and I feel as though I am having trouble narrowing down and the idea of a 25 page paper is daunting to me.

Breathe, breathe, breathe.



  1. For what it's worth I personally like the idea of the "Good bad ugly history." I've always been intrigued by groups who say they're founded on love and compassion yet often act as though they don't understand what love and compassion is.

  2. That is partly where i took my paper idea from. it is based on the hate and prejudice toward homosexuals and i may tie that into earlier in history with discrimination toward african americans b/c in some ways it is a similar "christian" hate.

  3. So much to talk about!! But class is in 15 mins.... We'll talk there :)
