Sunday, October 31, 2010


just by going back through and editing and making things more detailed, etc. i have added another two pages to my paper and i am still not even done writing the rest of my body. i know that it still needs heavy editing, but i feel like the paper is becoming a better formed idea and argument.

i have been talking about the paper with some of my friends (you know intelligent conversation) and they all seem very interested to read it and many have encouraged me to try and get it published if i can. That would be very cool to do if i could.

just thoughts to think about. but first i have to FINISH the paper. hahah

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10 page goal

well i have already fallen short on my 2 page per day goal for the next ten pages of my paper. I know i will get there, eventually, but as of right now, my mind cannot focus on it.

Maybe i can push some out tonight, AND get some edits done. goals goals goals.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


i went from a roll tide roll on my paper to a dead and enclosing hole. I am in a rut, hole, soemthing that i do not want to be in, and i am not happy. I have so much work to do on my paper and it is a bit overwhelming to me right now.

I know i need to just push something out to get it down but right now i just cant focus. is anyone else having this problem? is it just part of the process?

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I am on a roll with my paper and i have already worked (preliminarily) on two of my body paragraphs (they will more than likely expand at some point).

But I do know now that I need more sources to add into my paper throughout. I know that I am going to add in something about the current teen suicides that has been in the forefront of the news lately.

Friday, October 8, 2010

edited post

So upon beginning my editing process of kathleen's paper i realize that some places that i need to work in my own paper. i know that i need to hone in more on my ideas and focus on details and not try and be so broad. it would be better to be more detailed and expound upon that rather than be too broad and not really say anything and just confuse the reader. Also my transitions need some work. i know they are very sloppy right now in my field situation and if i do not clean those up in a timely manner the body transitions will be just as bad. Thesis. what is there to say? it needs work.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Is this any better/ close to what i need?

    “Jesus said unto him…Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22:37-40) “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.” (Leviticus 19:18)  ““Christian Love” is the fruit of the Spirit being love, joy, peace, gentleness, long suffering, meekness and temperance.” (D.L. Moody) The idea of love, peace, and temperance are the truths I hold up in my life as something to live by and in doing that, treating others with respect as well. How do people go from this “Christian Love” to preaching hate and attacking innocent people because of who they are? Queer identity in the Bible Belt is a hard vocation to take up, and the people that do find themselves in this “placement” have experienced their share of hardships in doing so. What ever happened to loving one another? Some Christian sects of Protestantism actively call down and preach hate in regards to homosexuals and queer identity, and in effect many hate crimes are done “in the name of God.”
In this paper I would like to take a peek inside the connection between queer identity in the South and the Protestant Christian interpretation, contradiction, and actions in the Bible Belt south by the individuals and churches themselves. These connections will be illustrated and discussed through text from the Bible, personal interviews, articles regarding events surrounding hate crimes done by Christian groups on homosexuals, and the advancement of views of the church in the Bible Belt South.
When I began looking into this connection, I knew that trying to talk about sin is something I did not want to go in to, and first and foremost want that out on the table. This paper is not about whether homosexuality is a sin or not, but rather the stance and actions Christians and the institutions take and create toward homosexuals. The argument regarding whether homosexuality is a sin is, in my eyes, a losing battle. The interpretation of the Bible and its teachings of sin is not the jumping off point for me. For me, it is more interesting to look at the way Christians will do things to others, psychologically and physically, in the name of a loving God. I also want to say that in no way do I hold the opinion that homosexuals are not the same as Christians in some instances or vice versa. I believe that these groups are not opposite of each other and in many ways are more connected and overlapped than many initially think. I will look at specific incidents in the history of the Bible Belt as well as interviews and sources of individuals growing up in the Bible Belt as a homosexual.