Friday, October 8, 2010

edited post

So upon beginning my editing process of kathleen's paper i realize that some places that i need to work in my own paper. i know that i need to hone in more on my ideas and focus on details and not try and be so broad. it would be better to be more detailed and expound upon that rather than be too broad and not really say anything and just confuse the reader. Also my transitions need some work. i know they are very sloppy right now in my field situation and if i do not clean those up in a timely manner the body transitions will be just as bad. Thesis. what is there to say? it needs work.


  1. Well my whole everything needs work right now. Thesis, what I have of a field situation, etc. And what I'm really not looking forward to is divulging into all that research. Is this helpful?... Probably not. Ha, just sharing.

  2. Thanks so much for looking at it. I'm sure you will use all of your red ink on it, but you are doing me a huge favor by looking over it. I owe ya one pal! I'm looking forward to reading yours!
