Sunday, October 24, 2010


i went from a roll tide roll on my paper to a dead and enclosing hole. I am in a rut, hole, soemthing that i do not want to be in, and i am not happy. I have so much work to do on my paper and it is a bit overwhelming to me right now.

I know i need to just push something out to get it down but right now i just cant focus. is anyone else having this problem? is it just part of the process?


  1. Yes! The hardest part of writing a paper for me is the getting started and the motivation. And I usually have to write the basis of it all in one sitting, then go back and revise and such, otherwise it is hard for me to get remotivated.< Is that a word?

  2. I've found success in writing different things by jumping around a bit. If I get stuck in one thing I go ahead and write some other part of the paper that I at least have an idea about. Lets my mind think about a similar but different topic and often times in thinking about other parts of the paper I end up finding the perfect transition that I was looking for in the first place.
